Bibione #PlasticFree is the exclusive event that will involve tourists in a global message of respect for the environment, above all for the sea, in view of the fact that every year 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans, putting at risk the survival of marine species.
From 10 to 11, in the pavillon of Piazzale Zenith, the Coastguard and ASVO, the company that manages the environmental services in the area, will hold a conference to inform the audience on environmental concerns as part of the project named progetto#PlasticFreeGC.
At the same time, in the west part of the town by the lagoon, a giant #PlasticFree slogan covering 2,220 square metres will be set up on the sand.
In the central area by Piazzale Zenith, at 11.30 a.m., the same slogan will be set up but this time with the simultaneous opening of hundreds of sun umbrellas that will occupy an area of 4 thousand square metres for three minutes.
In the eastern part, by the picturesque lighthouse, #PlasticFree will dominate the sky of Bibione with a 20-metre banner visible from above, from the sea, and obviously also by the tourists. Two parasails will hold up the slogans with two 16-metre supports.
At 11.33 a.m. all people staying in Bibione will be invited to take part in a group dive to openly confirm their commitment for a more protected sea: a real flash mob to prove that the environment is of value to and for everyone.