Bibione and the parish of Santa Maria Assunta are preparing to celebrate these holidays with many events dedicated to Christmas. We start immediately on December 5 with the blessing of the traditional nativity scene while 13 at 11:00 continue with that of "baby Jesus" manger to do at home.
Here is the detailed agenda of the various activities planned until January 6, 2016:
Tuesday 15 and Wednesday, December 16: Spiritual Exercises of the Community. It will be with us Mgr. Danilo Danelon. 9:00 am opening worship, praise and meditation 15.30 opening worship, silent prayer and vespers 17.30 s. Mass at 18:00 20.30 adoration and meditation
Monday 21, Tuesday 22, Wednesday, December 23 The pastor visit sick and elderly
Wednesday, 23: 14.30: confessions of the boys 15.30: availability of confessors for all
Thursday, December 24: 9:30 to 11:30 hours 15:30 to 18:30 hours availability of confessors availability of confessors
18:00 Mass of Christmas Eve
Friday, December 25 00.00 Mass of Christmas, the night
9:00 am Mass Christmas, Dawn
11:00 am Mass Christmas Day
Saturday, December 26 11:00 am Mass in St. Stephen
18.00 Holy Mass of the "family" (festive)
Sunday, December 27, the feast of the family 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass
Thursday, December 31 18:00 Mass of thanksgiving with the memory of all those for whom we celebrated this year a particular sacrament (baptism, communion, confirmation or funeral)
Friday 1 January 2016 9.00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass
Saturday 2 and Sunday 3: Masses ordinary times
Saturday, January 5: 18.00 Holy Mass with the blessing of water and fruit. It follows blessing of fire (campfire) in area E, organized dall'Avis-Aido. Ability to eat the grilled (proposal dall'Avis-Aido) in oratory, warm.
Sunday 6: Epiphany 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass, arrival of the Magi and blessing children