Would you like to be updated in real time on the offers of Bibione and Lignano Sabbiadoro, all the events, the surprises dedicated to our tourists and more?
We are now on WhatsApp and we can send you the best bargains directly to your smartphone!
• Save +39 338 9327606 as a contact "Europa Tourist Group" on your mobile phone;
• Send us a message via WhatsApp saying OK
In case the new contact doesn't appear on WhatsApp, you should make a complete restart of the app. If this doesn’t help, then the contact will be visible after you restart your mobile phone. Make sure you copy the number as it's written above, including any + symbol.
This alarm is of course for free and can be canceled at any time.
If you don't want to receive further messages, just send us a message saying STOP. And if you're missing our messages at a later date? No problem! Just send us a message once again, OK.